Pandemonium: Police tear gas Lagos traders


There was pandemonium at  the popular Balogun market, Tradefair complex,Lagos, when officials of the Ministry  of Physical and Urban Planning led  a cabinet member of the government stormed the market with thugs and mobile policemen.

The Police were said to have shot into the air as they were  firing  teargas cannister at traders and customers.According  to Mr. Eric Ilechukwu, Chairman, Trade fair Stakeholders Forum, an umbrella body for all the associations in  the complex,”policemen  and thugs led by commissioner for Pusical planning  and Urban development, Omotayo Bamgbose-Martins stormed the Market and immediately started demolishing   warehouses in a section of Tradefair market.

“When we noticed this development, we immediately reached  out to the Executive Director Trade Fair, a legal  practitioner,Veronica Ndanusa, who in seconds arrived at the  demolition site. All her efforts to intervene  and explain  certain things to the commissioner, were rebuffed as she and the traders were teagarsed by policemen attached to the commissioner. “

While expressing  disappointment  at the commissioner inability  to recognise his jurisdiction,  she said: “ To our dismay, they did not investigate nor come to the market management before they encroached on the project. In fact, they don’t even have the right to come here and check in the first place. They just went their in commandos style with thugs and policemen, and these people went ahead to throw teargas at us. Look at my eyes. My clothes smell teargas. you can imagine not only  do they throw teargas, the policemen also shot at us ,and  in the process, burst my vehicles tyres. I don’t  understand this type of attitude. It is  barbaric and unacceptable. 

“If truly these people want to see the renewed hope agenda succeed, I don’t think this is what they should be doing. These are the enemies of government,the state, and the federal government because I do not understand why a commissioner will not know the boundary of his job and that of another person .

“ If he knew his job,he would have come to the management. The management would explain to him that this place  does not fall under his jurisdiction. There have been several commissioners before him. This place has existed for over 35 years, and this has never happened. Lagos International Trade Fair has been here for over how many years now?

“More than three  decades. So  why would they just woke up  now, and  started destroying peoples buildings without notice.This baberic  behaviour should stop in Nigeria. We need to stop them. We need to stop people abusing their offices for the sake of  getting sundry things. I can tell you probably they thought that  the traders would bribe them with money,”she said.

When contacted, officials  of the Ministry  of Physical  Planning  and Urban Development , said the plazas were built on drainage and without approvals from the supervisory  bodies, an allegation  the traders have denied.


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