MWUN: Why we Call-Off Proposed January 9 Strike

…Says MWUN couldn’t ignore the weight and sincerity of Bello-Koko and other interventionists


The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) Monday night, called off its proposed 9th January 2024 strike action, saying it was due to the timely intervention of distinguished stakeholders.

The Strike which would have made a historic mark of signposting the nature of things in stock for 2024 was however quashed, even as the MWUN Present General, Comrade Adewale Adeyanju directed all members under the four branches of the Union to continue normal duties on January 9th

A statement to this effect highlighted that the strike notice issued on the 4th of January, 2024 had been guillotined and the nation’s seaports would remain open for normal operations.

While the statement was muted in respect of the interventionists, Frontline Reporters can authoritatively report that the Nigerian Port Authority NPA, Managing Director, Mohammed Bello-Koko was an arrowhead, amongst other parastatal heads.

Mohammed Bello Koko

It was further learnt that their intervention also extended to some key members of the International Oil Companies (IOCs), stressing the dangers of beginning the year on such a dangerous note.

The possible backlash from the Tinubu Administration was equally raised; and this, according to credible sources, largely influenced the IOCs, who unexpectedly softened their initial stance.

The statement by the union however emphasized that the strike was decided on, following the non-compliance of the IOCs, especially their hard stance towards the nation’s Stevedoring Contractors vis-a-vis the position of the extant laws, which they have continually violated in the past three years, even, after several communiques had been signed by all the relevant stakeholders in the sector.

The statement stressed that it was the result of the failed signed communiques’ deadline for full compliance with Stevedoring Regulations by Operators in the petroleum industry, that the Strike action became necessary.

The proposed strike action was therefore aimed at shutting down the seaports, terminals, jetties, and oil & gas platforms nationwide; to enable decision-makers and stakeholders to thoroughly address the industry challenges.

Consequently, the following resolutions according to MWUN, were arrived at:-

*That though the IOCs have substantially complied with the deployment of Labour, the matter of equipment deployment is to be examined within the next three months.

*That meetings be facilitated within one week by the relevant regulators and the marginal field operators and all other non-compliant operators to ensure immediate compliance with the Stevedoring Regulations and granting of access to appointed Stevedores.

*That full resolution of all issues relating to compliance and grants of access to work locations to Stevedores by location Operators be sorted out between now and the end of January 2024.

*That while these actions are being taken, the earlier communique reached Friday, the 5th of January, 2024 be immediately implemented as a mark of good faith.

  • Based on the above resolutions, the Union has decided to lift the impending shutting down of the nation’s seaports.

“However, the communique of Friday, the 5th, and Monday, the 8th of January, 2024 respectively were jointly signed by Engr. Ibrahim Abba Umar – ED, E&TS, for Managing Director (NPA), Prince Adewale Adeyanju; the MWUN President General and Comrade Bolaji Sunmola, President, NASO, on 8/1/2024, as desired by Mohammed Bello Koko, the NPA Boss.

“The Nigerian Ports Authority as the Master Stevedore and the Industry Regulator, this last time of the supposed crisis have laid to rest the protracted issues of the IOCs and the Union for now,” the statement noted.

“Dr. Adeyanju wants to use this medium to thank the Acting MD of NPA who held sway in the first meeting, commending him and his team for their tenacity and doggedness in handling the issues amicably before the Monday meeting where the MD presided over the final communique that ensued,” the statement added.

Industry watchers who spoke on the development said they expect more compliant IOCs this year, especially given the development at the nation’s political echelon.

“I think times are positively changing. A President who would not spare even his own Minister but willingly drags her to the EFCC, by his body language, is not likely to spare anyone, even the IOCs!”, Bolutife Egbewole further noted.


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