Oh man, what is in your pocket? Stop and search, because the pocket of the life of Achan, contained some prohibited items which later destroyed him and his family and finally prohibited him from getting into the promised land. (Joshua 7:19-25) You may be the next one if you don’t stop now and search yourself.

“Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful to parents, without understanding covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful; who knows the judgement of God, that they commit such things are Worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them”

This is why you must stop and search and know what is in your pocket, whether bidden or forbidden. To do it now will help you to avoid sudden embarrassment. As man does carry many things inside his pocket, so the life of man is carrying many things from the world to the great beyond eternity. Oh man, what are you carrying about in the pocket of your life? Stop now and search, for where you will spend eternity depends on what is searched out from your pocket.

The contents of your life’s pocket are displayed through the showcase of your character, behaviour, disposition and what have you. In our text you could see two kinds of people and what will fill the pocket of their lives and determine who owns them and where they are going to spend eternity, heaven or hell. If you have not genuinely repented and turned away from every sin and be filled with the fruit of righteousness which is the fruit of the spirit of God, then you are still in your sin. And that is why you are filled with unrighteousness. Jesus said in (John 3:3) that unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God. He is not talking about water baptism as many religious people are thinking, rather he was talking about change of heart, life and character, and the question now is, are you born again? Listen! This is more than religion belonging to a good church with high position as a church leader or worker.

Think about it again. Are you born again? If you are not born again, then, you are not qualified to receive any blessing from heaven, than means, you cannot enter. This is why many people’s prayers are not answered. Please, hear my counsel; Don’t allow your position in the church, beauty, educational attainment, social status, financial achievement, political power, children, vehicles, houses and what you have deceive you.

All these things end up here, none of them will crossover with you. You will die alone, face judgment alone, and go to hell fire alone, if you fail to stop today and search your pockets.

For you not to be deceived, take this examination test and allow your conscience to answer them one by one. And if your answer is NO to any these satanic items, then you are in trouble, and your joy and happiness is in vain. How can you be happy, joyful, eating, going to church and working, making money when you have properties of the devil with you and if any of these things are searched out from your pocket at God’s check-point, then you are lost forever.

Now, take this question. Are you truly free from adultery, fornication, stealing, preferential treatment, uncleanness, pride, hatred, evil speaking, retaliation, evil thought, blasphemy, compromise of your faith, kickbacks, fortunetelling, star gazing, hot temper, lies, cheating, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, grudges, anger, malice, giving and receiving bribes, unfaithfulness, tale-bearing, backbiting, wrath, unforgiving spirit, ‘419’, envy, jealousy, talkativeness, masturbation, smoking, drunkenness, alcoholism, false witness, falsifying receipts and accounts, examination malpractices, sitting examinations for another person, working with another person’s  certificates, collecting money for contract not executed, Laziness, lesbianism, homosexuality, watching immoral films and pornography, duping other people both at home and abroad, tapping electricity light or adjusting NEPA metre, Idol worshiping, armed robbery or one chance business, polygamy, divorce and remarriage, witchcraft, occultism (cults, secret societies, sorcery), murder, abortion, gossip, abusive language, wickedness, relabeling and selling of expired drugs, removal of land marks, failing of student for refusing immorality and uncleanness, child trafficking, oppression, corruptions, hire-killer, lust of the flesh, worldliness, etc. Now you have known the items that you are carrying about in the pocket of your life. Tell God to help you do the searching. Stop and search them out and offload them or they will damn your soul (Psalm 139:23)

Oh man! What is in your pocket? Stop and search on time because if you do not search them out now, they will send you to everlasting hell. Don’t allow God to search them out in eternity when it will be too late. (Jeremiah 17:10) Time is coming that God will search out every man’s secret sins that have not been confessed, repented of, that blood of Jesus Christ might cleanse them. Read: (Job 10:5-6, Proverbs 28:13; 3 John 1:9). If you are now ready to offload your sins from your pocket then there’s still hope for you. Ezra 10:2. Now sincerely and prayerfully take these seven steps to bring in Christ Jesus into your life.

(1) Realize you are a sinner from birth with a sinful nature, and that you cannot save yourself by your power, your good works but through Christ’s sacrifice for you on the cross.

(2)  Repent from all known sin through total confession of them to God not to man.

(3)  Renounce and forsake every confessed sin and never go back to them again.   

And separate yourself from persons, places and things that may lead your back to sin.

 (4)  Receive the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart by faith as your Lord and      personal saviour

(5) Rejoice in the Lord that your sins are now forgiven according to His word, you   are now a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away, behold all things are now new.

(6)  Read your Bible, preach, pray and watch every day.

(7)  Remain with the people of God in a good – God fearing Christian Church that preaches, teaches, dresses and lives a practical life of holiness, Christians that are not dressing like worldly people, but totally different from the world. We shall meet in heaven if you sincerely, from your heart do these things and remain in holiness till the end (Romans 3:23; John 1:2. 2Corinthians 6:14)

For more help, contact Pastor Austin C. Udeoha

Holiness Power Bible Ministries

Operation Tikpoo (Destroy the works of devil)

No. 8/10 Igbesi Street, Okomala,

Berilet Bus Stop Oshodi-Apapa Express Way, Ilasamaja, Lagos

E-mail: holinesspowerbibleministries@gmail.com

Weekly Meetings

Sunday Bible Service: 7:30 am

Wednesday Power Connection (Morning Session) 8.00AM

Wednesday Power Connection (Evening Session) 6.00PM

Friday Holiness and Heaven Bible Study in different Regions 6.00PM

                                JESUS PEOPLE


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