Poverty, agitation rising –Akpabio


Senate President, Godswill Akpabio has said poverty, insecurity, and public agitation for good governance were rising in the country.

Akpabio, who spoke when he welcomed lawmakers back from their annual recess which commenced in early August, called on senators to close ranks and work for the good of the country.Ezoic

“As we resume to embark on our legislative functions and engagements, I encourage open and constructive dialogue, cooperation, and a spirit of unity on all matters of national significance, as it is through such discourse, that we can achieve the best outcomes for all Nigerian citizens.

“As you go about your official legislative duties, be reminded that although our opinions may differ, our common purpose is to advance the well-being of our constituents and our nation.Ezoic

“Distinguished colleagues, in the coming days and weeks, we will address pressing issues, debate legislations, and strive to find common grounds that will move our nation forward expeditiously.

“I have no doubt, your dedication, wisdom and integrity will shine through in all your endeavours. Evidently, as with all democratic institutions, there are concerns at various levels of governance, while dissent and differing opinions are integral to our democratic process, I urge us all to focus on the greater good of our nation, anchored on the pursuit of our common good, interests of our constituents and protection of our fledgling democracy.

“It is imperative that we set aside personal differences and work together with renewed patriotism and dedication to nationhood.Ezoic

“The challenges before us require unity, cooperation, and steadfast commitment to addressing the issues that affect the lives of all Nigerian citizens, mindful of the fact that the responsibilities we bear are weighty, and that our decisions impact the lives and livelihoods of countless Nigerian citizens,” Akpabio, who during the break, had series of battles over purported plans to impeach him, said


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