Seme Border Customs Command Offers Seamless Import Experience With 24-Hour Clearance, No Demurrage, And Straight Routes



Lagos based Importers and exporters can now heave a sigh of relieve, as the Customs Area Controller of the Seme Krake Joint Border Post, Comptroller Timi Bomodi has extended an open invitation to importers to leverage the exceptional business opportunities at Seme Border

In a recent interview with our Editor in his office, Comptroller Bomodi emphasized the significant benefits available at the Seme Border, which include no demurrage fees, no shipping charges, and the convenience of a straightforward route.

According to the Area Conroller, “Many importers are not aware that the Seme Border Command is fully operational and ready for business,” Bomodi noted. “We offer a swift 24-hour clearance process for all imports, excluding vehicles and certain pharmaceutical products.”

Bomodi highlighted the advantages of using the Seme Border for both imports and exports, stating, “The turnover time here is exceptionally low. It’s far more efficient to move goods from Seme to warehouses compared to other ports.”

He encouraged traders, especially those with businesses at Trade Fair and Alaba, to consider the Seme route, explaining that Transporting goods from Seme is a no-brainer compared to other ports. It’s just one road from here,”\


Bomodi assured traders that the border is open and fully functional, hoping more will utilize this corridor soon,  assuring  traders of the command’s unwavering support, stating, “We’re here to assist in any way possible to ensure your business thrives. At Seme, you avoid the additional costs associated with demurrage and shipping charges seen at other ports. This significantly reduces your overall expenses.”The Seme Border Command guarantees the release of goods within 24 hours post-examination, with a maximum of two and a half hours transit time to key markets like Ojo Alaba and.  Trade Fair Complex. “These are the advantages we want traders to experience. We’re confident that once they do, they will see the benefits and encourage others,” Bomodi concluded.

Earlier Comptroller Bomodi of the Seme Border Command had candidly addressed the persistent issue of smuggling, acknowledging that Smuggling is a reality that we’ve come to live with, saying that it is a daily battle.  

Bomodi detailed the rigorous efforts undertaken to combat smuggling at Seme, emphasizing the diligence of the patrol teams. 

According to him, “All patrol teams record their daily activities in anti-smuggling. I review these records daily, ensuring accountability and consistent results,” he stated.

Highlighting the progress made, Bomodi remarked, “We’ve made significant strides in anti-smuggling efforts and will continue to improve. The process for formal trade is clearly outlined. Whether goods are duty-free or duty-paid, there is a formal procedure involving declaration and compliance. Any deviation from this procedure justifies seizure.”

He expressed confidence in the effectiveness of their anti-smuggling activities, underscoring the commitment of the Seme Border Command to maintaining trade integrity and security.

On their cooperation with the host communities, Bomodi said his command has a very cordial relationship with the community people saying that from the Obas to the Chiefs-In- council, the Youth leaders and other faithfuls that are embedded in these communities.” We do advocacy in terms of overnment fiscal policy, in terms of sensitization. We provide some facilities which are at the disposal of these communities. We have hospital which they use as their referral health centre. There are 90 communities within Seme up to Badagry Round About. We also have our schools which we oversee and take care of them, even the Motherlesshomes that we also take care of their needs.. So various groups from the Obas, youth leaders business communities, we engage with them all with a view to forstering peace because we all know that where there is no peace business cannot thrive”, Comptroller Bomodi concluded.


Pythrocin distributed by Pinnacle Health Pharmaceuticals Ltd

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