Smugglers tremble, As Ogun 1 Customs Command Makes 103 seizures in 21 Days ..Records over N394.9million Revenue


Barely three weeks of taking over from Comptroller Shua’ibu in Ogun I Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), the new man in the saddle of power, Comptroller James Ojo tactically using a new mechanism, raked in seizures from smugglers.

This seizures according to the Command Public Relations Officer, Hammed Oloyede, a Chief Superintendent Of Customs confirmed that, while quoting the Area Controller during his maiden press briefing revealed that, 103 seized items were recorded with Duty Paid Value (DPV), of Three Hundred and Eighty Million, Three Hundred and Seventy Thousand, Nine Hundred and Eleven Naira (N380, 370,911).

Recalled that the new Area Controller resumed office on April 16, 2024.

The seizures consist of 90 sacks and 1,309 parcels of Cannabis Sativa, 1,596 pieces of pneumatic (used) tyres, 2, 922 bags (50kg) of foreign parboiled rice, 32 bales of used clothing, 1,603 cartons of frozen products and 22,600 litres of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), among others.

“The Controller while showcasing the seized items at Abeokuta disclosed this on Thursday, May 9, stressing that the seizures, made at different locations within the state, was attributable to the “intensive intelligence strategies and concerted efforts of our intelligence network, such as the Customs Intelligence Unit (CIU), the DSS and others”.

Comptroller Ojo gave the breakdown of the Duty Paid Value (DPV) of the Cannabis Sativa, as Eighty-seven Million, Forty-one Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety-four Naira (N87,041,696); Rice – One Hundred and Twenty-four Million, Nine Hundred and Three Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twelve Naira (N124,903,812), while the tyres is Forty-two Million, One Hundred and Seventy-two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Four Naira (N42,172,704)

The Idiroko Command boss explained the danger associated with the seized items they posed to the well-being of the citizenry.

He hinted that, “Cannabis Sativa, commonly known as marijuana or Indian hemp, is a psychoactive drug that is derived from cannabis plant. It has devastating effect on the lives of its consumers, especially our youths”.

He said, the rise in its abuse is a great concern within the Nigerian society, and a threat to the country’s security, given its potential influence on criminal activities, which include armed robbery, banditry, cultism, kidnapping, terrorism and other criminalities, adding that for the used tyres, he described them as ring-shaped protective coverings made of rubber, and filled with compressed air.

He stated that they are typically used in foreign countries, and shipped to into Nigeria after use overseas.

“These tyres are deemed unsuitable for our highways because, significant numbers of them have exceeded their recommended lifespan from their manufacturing dates”, adding that safety experts’ findings revealed that “good-quality tyres are safe for use for only four years from the date of manufacturing. Any usage beyond this duration poses a significant risk to motorists and put their lives in jeopardy”.

Speaking further he said, the smuggling of foreign parboiled rice through land borders, Compt. Ojo said its prohibition by the federal government was to encourage local production of rice, so that Nigeria could be self-sufficient, more so that the country is blessed with vast and fertile land.

He said that the federal government’s policy on this may be viewed as difficult and unfriendly but, according to him, “It has a long-term great benefit, when embraced”.

He cited an instance that the much- appreciated foreign rice is a local produce in the countries of exportation, stressing that the countries began their production with insignificant quantities before attaining this height.

The CAC while concluding, expressed worry that continued smuggling of rice into the country would further make a mess of the nation’s economic growth and development, while assuring that Nigeria would overcome its current economic situation if all and sundry would cooperate with the Customs and federal government in this drive, and ultimately result to improved social security and well-being, he said

The CAC also hinted that, aside from revenue generated by the Command from its anti-smuggling exploits, it realized another Fourteen Million, Six Hundred and Twenty-eight Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-one Naira (N14, 628,661) through baggage assessment, as well as auction sales of petroleum products.

He emphasized that the figure would have been higher than that, but for the low trading activities at the Idiroko border, stressing that efforts are being geared towards addressing “the identified challenges that hinder the flow of trade. We are hopeful that this will enhance our revenue profile significantly”.

Compt. Ojo, however, encouraged compliant traders to remain resolute and assured them of the Command’s maximum cooperation, adding that, “our doors are open for consultation and required support.

To smugglers, the CAC warned them to desist and stick to legitimate trade or else, when caught, they would be made to face the full wrath of the law.

While reaffirming the Command’s dedication to duty and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its operatives, he restated the resoluteness of the command in carrying out its mandate with utmost patriotism.

“Your support and cooperation with mutual understanding will assist in facilitating our economic growth and well-being”, he said.

He commended the efforts of the Comptroller-General of Customs, CGC Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, and his management team, for supporting the Command, even as he commended the collaborative efforts of the officers and men of the Command as well as critical stakeholders.


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